Happy Birthday Doodlebug!!!
We had a party on Saturday, where Parker was absolutely spoiled rotten! ( You only get to be one once I guess!) Just look at all the toys!

I made a little cake for us to have tonight after dinner, but we ran into a little hiccup...
I left the house around 3:30 this afternoon to go have the boys hair cut, and spend a bit of time at the "toot-toot store" (Chapters). My low tire pressure gauge had been lit for the last few days, so I decided to stop ( in the pouring rain) to fill the tires. All was well, except when I left the gas station, I noticed the light was still on. Mark came and met us later at Chapters, and we decided to go grab a bite at a local restaurant. It was pretty late when we left, and I wondered if both boys would even be awake for cake when we got home. We got everyone packed up, and Mark headed off to his car. I almost died when I went to pull out of my parking spot and could barely move. As I feared, the front passenger tire was so flat, it was off the rim. It was all I could do to pull into a parking spot. ARRGGGGHHH! Flag Mark down, transfer car seats, kids and paraphanalia...Parker screaming from exhaustion, Ethan worried and sick. Needless to say, Mama took the little ones home, and got them bathed and tucked in without cake. Daddy returned home an hour later on the spare tire.
I think I would have rather given birth again ! LOL!
Good night!