Keeping it loose for now, I can see all kinds of possibilities for future days. Just gotta get back into it.
Monday, February 14, 2022
100 days of Rabbits (and Hares).
Hello to anyone out there who may still have access to my blog!
It has been ages since I’ve done this.
Ages since I created anything on paper too.
I was approached at the beginning of the week by a dear creative friend who mentioned we should both do The 100 Day Project together this year. I knew immediately that committing to a small creative project daily was just what I needed to get ideas flowing for my pottery (in case you were wondering, it’s the clay that has kept me from paper crafting, designing and blogging for the last 5 years or so).
The possibilities for the project are as endless as your imagination. While I was tempted at first to dive directly into a clay based project for the next 100 days, that wasn’t much of a divergence from what I was already doing. What I really needed was a push to start exploring imagery, sketching, playing with inks, paint, paper. Developing my visual vocabulary if you will.
For as little as 10-20 minutes a day, for the next 100 days, I will be working on 4.25 x 5.5 inch papers (whatever I find lurking in my stash). Using whatever media I can find on hand, I am going to play.
You can follow my progress here, or on Instagram
Day 1/100
If you are still following my blog, or are participating in the 100 day project, leave me a note!
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Gonna Riiide the Dinotaur twain...

Sunday, February 8, 2015
What about January?
The January challenge is based on a concept developed by Ali Edwards, where you chose a single word to carry through with you in the coming year.
Sounds easy enough? Yes and no. Choosing that single word to represent your goals and wishes for the entire year can be very hard. Although the challenge itself is now closed, it's not too late to choose your own word for the next 10 months.
Find out more, and see wsome great examples on the Challenge YOUrself blog here.
My page is here. I'm not going to go into detail about my word, as it means so many different things to me, on different levels.
I used the same paint application technique on this one, as I did on my February challenge. Fast and easy- you just apply a thin layer of paint to a piece of cellophane, and then lay the cellophane paint down on the paper and rub it. It's easy to see where the paint will go so you can control the exact placement. It looks wild and unplanned, but with this method, there are few unwanted surprises.
The hearts are made with pen and a heart template, and accented with dots made with a Viva Decor paper pen.